41. Daddy you are the best,
although you live in the west.
stay the way you are,
while your driving your sports car.
You couldn’t be a better dad
oh yeah, don’t go driving around mad
I love you for ever
’cause you’r really clever
Even though i puss and shove
I will still show all my love
42. Happy Fathers Day
Happy Fathers day means more
than have a happy day
It means i love you first of all
Then thanks for all you do
It means you mean a lot to me
and that I honor you.
43. There in every memory
See his love and care
Strength and hands to count on
Freely he does share
Provider, toil so faithfully
To make our dreams come true
Give strong and tender discipline
Though it is hard to do
A Father is God’s chosen one
To lead the family
And point it to His will for life
Of love and harmony…
1. Parenting is a 24-hour-a-day job with no salary, no raises, no promotions and very few vacations.
2. Parents are responsible for everything that happens to their children.
3. Guilt and self-blame are occupational hazards.
4. Parents don’t get worker’s compensation or any other fringe benefits.
5. Parents can never retire — even when their kids ask them to.
6. [...]
45. Be kind to the father,
for when they were young,
Who loved these so fondly as he?
He caught the first accents that
fell from the tongue,
And joined in the innocent glee.
46. To my dad on his day,
Of whom I am a living will:
May your happiness fulfill
Your goodness, as is just and right.
Deeds are seeds upon the night
As wind and wonder have their way,
Delivering the destined light.
47. Fathers need not fathers be.
All one needs to do is choose
To love for life, and that embrace,
Held long and hard, bestows the grace
Each craves. For all in time must lose,
Restored alone by memory.
So now it is with you and me.
48. Fathers can be solitary mountains,
All their love rock-like, steep, and strong.
Though warm and caring, somehow they belong
Halfway home to mothers’ bubbling fountains.
Each of us needs love that knows no quarter,
Reminding us of bonds that cross a border,
Strengthening our sense of right and wrong.
49. Daddy, I love you
For all that you do.
I’ll kiss you and hug you
‘Cause you love me, too.
You feed me and need me
To teach you to play,
So smile ’cause I love you
On this Father’s Day.
50. F.A.T.H.E.R.S.
“F” aithful.
“A” lways there.
“T” rustworthy.
“H” onoring.
“E” ver-loving.
“R” ighteous.
“S” upportive.
51. Little girl & her father crossing a bridge.
Father Said: Please hold my hand
Girl: No dad.. You hold my hand.
Father: Whats the difference?
Girl: If I hold your hand & something happens to me.
Chances are that I may let your hand go,
but if you hold my hand,
I know for sure,
you will never let my hand go..!
52. As rain covers the sun.
Truth covers the lies.
Angels cover the evil.
Flowers cover the garden.
I wish and pray
that happiness covers all the
worries of your life.
53. Life has 5 stars.
Kind star is MOTHER.
Action star is FATHER.
Ultimate star is TEACHER.
Top star is LOVER.
The super star is FRIEND.
54. Value of relation is not,
That how much one feels
happy with someone.
But it is the lonliness,
That one feels without someone.
55. Fact of life:
By the time you realise,
what your parents said was right.
You will have a kid,
who begins to think,
you are wrong.
56. Dad
Your lad
Is glad
To wish you a Father's Day grand!
57. I”d go through stretch marks again for you.
Happy Fathers” Day, darling husband.
58. Some things are just better the way they are like you!
Happy Fathers”Day!
59. Some things are just better the way they are like you! Happy Fathers'Day!
60. You may be out of sight but you're always in my mind. Happy Fathers'Day
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