Saturday, 31 December 2011

Free latest Adult SMS Collection 4

SMS: 61
Sex is like pizza. When its good, its VERY GOOD. When its bad, its Still pretty good

SMS: 62
A cat and a rooster sat by a lake, the cat fell in the lake, the rooster laughed! LESSON: when theres a wet pussy, there's a happy cock!

SMS: 63
SEX is My Fav. I Do it regularly. Do it & Feel Gd! U'll enjoy it! I'll Die w/out SEX, S-Sleep, E-Eat, X-xercise, So do it everiday, gd for u.

SMS: 64
Who is stronger, Man Or Woman? A: A woman bcoz she lifts 2 mountains on her chest while a man lifts 2 stones with the help of a crane.

SMS: 65
Man says to his wife: Let me take a picture of your breasts, than I can always look at them. Wife: Let me take a picture of you penis, I will have it enlarged.

SMS: 66
When I was born I got the choice, or a major dick, or a fine memory. I am not able to remember what I did choose.

SMS: 67
American students say:.....people who never experience good sex and do not perform well in bed, usually read their SMS messages with their right hand.

SMS: 68
A guy walks up to a girl and says: Wanna play *Magic*? She says: What's that? .....He says: We go to my place, have sex and than you dissappear.....

SMS: 69
If your right leg was thanksgiving and Your left leg was Christmas could I meet U between the holidays?

SMS: 70
Are these your eyes, I found them between my breasts!

SMS: 71
Sex is evil and evil's a sin.but sins are forgiven so lets get stuck in!!

SMS: 72
Jack & Jill went up da hill 2 have a little fun.But stupid Jill forgot da pill and now they have a son

SMS: 73
Peter Peter Pumpkin eater.had a wife & liked to beat her.smacked her twice around da head. F**ked her arse & went 2 bed

SMS: 74
A man said 2 his doctor 'everytime I look in the mirror I get an erection' the doctor said 'That's because u look like a cunt!

SMS: 75
Once a elephant asked a camel:"Why do u have boobs on ur back?"Camel replied:"thats a fucking good question from someone with a dick on his face."

SMS: 76
Difference between a hen and prostitute? Hen: Cock-a-doodle do. Pros: Any cock will do.

SMS: 77
Woman complaining to dentist: "I'd rather get pregnant than have a tooth filled!" Dentist: Decide so I can adjust the chair accordingly..!

SMS: 78
Newton's 3 laws. 1.Every man has a pole, woman has a hole 2.When pole enters hole, it produces a new soul 3.When hand in motion, it produces lotion.

SMS: 79
What’s the difference btween a microwave oven and a woman? A microwave oven doesn't scream when u put a piece of meat in it.

SMS: 80
What is the height of safe SEX?....... person Masturbating with CONDOM on.

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