Saturday, 31 December 2011

Free Naughty SMSs 5

81. A cat and a rooster sat by a lake, the cat fell in the lake, the rooster laughed! LESSON: when there's a wet pussy, there's a happy cock!

82. After Big Success of,
MS Word,
MS Excel,
MS Power Point etc.
Microsoft Launched New software related 2 cricket
MS Dhoni :)

83. friendship is like peeing in your pants. every1 can c it but only u can feel its true
warmth.thank u 4 being the pee in my pants xxxx

84. (_!_)An arse (__!__)Fat arse (!)Tight arse (_?_)Dumb arse (_*_)Sore arse
(_zzz_)Tired arse (_E=mc2_)Smart arse (_x_)Kiss my arse!!

85. Eight qualities of a PERFECT boyfriend... Brave,Intelligent, Gentle,Polite, Energetic,
Non-alcoholic, Industrious, Self-organised. In short, B.I.G.P.E.N.I.S.

86. He met a lady while browsing. She unzipped his dotcom when downloading. Since
he was virus free he slotted his floppydisk into her hotmail she screamed yahoo!

87. Today its cool to have small cars and small computers.Soon it will be cool to have
a small penis too.then you my friend will be THE MAN!!

88. Viagra now available in eye drops, you don't get an erection but you look hard!

89. I only have SEX on days that begin with T: Thanksgiving. Tuesday. Thursday.
Today. Tomorrow. Thaturday. thunday.. Tevery day!

90. I think i should tell you what people are saying behind your back.……. Nice Ass!!!!!!!

91. I wish I was a teddy bear, that lay upon your bed, so everytime you cuddled it,
you cuddled me instead

92. baby i have an addiction problem.people say i shud go to rehab but i always tell
them i dont wanna go cause im addicted to ... YOU

93. Luv is a sensation dat is caused by temptation.a boy puts his location in a girls u get my explanation or do u wanna demonstration?

94. I like your style- I like your class- but most of all i like your arse!

95. Do you like maths?if so add a bed subtract ur clothes divide your legs and
we can multiply!

96. I'm like a rubrix cube. The more you play with me, the harder I get.

97. I want triplets You want twins.Lets get in bed and see who wins!

98. Of all the babes ur my selection.please dont giv me a teeth are
clean for ur Inspection so giv my mouth a tongue injection!

99. If your right leg was thanksgiving and Your left leg was Christmas could I
meet U between the holidays?

100. north 2 north south 2south my best direction is mouth 2mouth

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